Creating new albums
You can create a new album by going to "Album Manager" and then selecting "Create new album". Enter in your album name and a brief description of your album. You may also, choose to make your album public. You may do so by selecting a public category in which your album will appear. By making your album public ALL users will be able to view the contents of your album.
After entering in the album information click on Create Photo Album.
HINT: It's a good idea to store photos with different subject matter in different albums... instead of all photos in a single album.
Try to name your albums with the fewest words possible, with a specific description that tells you what the album is about.
Examples of good album names would be:
- 10th Anniversary
- Susan's Graduation
- 2000 Pool Party
- Pearl Jam Concert
- My '69 Mustang
- My Stamp Collection
- My Boyfriend
- Winter 1999 Vacation
- Fishing Trip '99
- Fire Damage
- Houses for Sale
- Waldo as a puppy
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