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Hi-Resolution Download
The Hi-Resolution Download option is available for several Them Parks, Fairs, Zoos, Aquariums and other locations.

To locate the the hi-resolution download option, upon selecting the option to purchase your photo, you may click on the "Fun stuff" Tab and select the Hi-resolution download from the list.

The download can take 24-48 hours for receipt via email.

To download a high resolution version of your image, please follow these instructions:
1.Right-click on your image and select
"Save Target As or Save link As..."
DO NOT SELECT "Save Picture As...", choosing this option will not allow you to save the high resolution version or your image.
2. After selecting "Save Target As... or Save link As..." a save box will immediately appear. You may then choose the location you would like to save your image. ie: Desktop/Local Disk(C:)
Mac Users:
1. Place mouse over the image.

2. Hold CTRL button and click mouse button

3. Select "Save Link As..."

4. Be sure when saving, to end the file name ".jpeg" To view a larger version of this photo online, simply click on the image.
We hope this section has been helpful in answering your question, if you continue to have problems, don't hesitate to send us your question by email at any time.
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