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Windows and Internet Explorer Users: Using the Multi Photo Uploader
To begin uploading, on the left side of you screen, select the desired location of where your files were saved. Immediately on the the right of the screen you will notice all of the files within that folder. Click "Select All" and the first 45 files will be uploaded.

If you want to select which files to upload, or would like to rotate your files, you may choose to view them as thumbnails. Once you have chosen your desired files, and desired rotation, you may upload your files.

Please note: You can only select a maximum of 150 images for upload and they can not be larger than 10,000 KB in size. If your file is to large it will not be uploaded. Additionally, uploading time will vary depending on the type of connection you are working with.

While your photos are uploading, you can always stop the transfer and the remaining files will not be uploaded.

As soon as your images have been uploaded you will be prompt to add more photos or invite a guest to view your albums.

We hope this section has been helpful in answering your question, if you continue to have problems, don't hesitate to send us your question by email at any time.
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