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Enabling Cookies
The reason you are experiencing a problem is because your browser does not have cookies enabled. When using Photogra, we set a numerical identifier cookie on your browser so that we may identify your account and customize the site to you. In order to enable your cookies on your Internet Explorer please follow these steps:
    1. Select Tools
    2. Select Internet Options
    3. Click on the Security Tab
    4. Select Custom Level...
    5. Make sure both settings are set to Enable.
    6. Click OK
    7. Click Apply
    8. Click OK
    9. Login to
In order enable cookies on Netscape Communicator
    1. Select "Preferences" from the Edit menu.
    2. Find the "Cookies" section in the "Advanced" category.
    3. To enable: Select "Accept all cookies" (or "Enable all cookies")
    4. Click"Ok"
We hope this section has been helpful in answering your question, if you continue to have problems, don't hesitate to send us your question by email at any time.
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